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Showing posts from September, 2019

First Impression of a dream

My first impression of the poem was that it is basically saying that dreams aren’t real. That even though it may seem real in the dream it really isn’t. Also the main question it seems to ask is everything we see is it a dream or seem to be a dream? Certain situations can feel as if it is a dream but in reality it’s real life.

My essay essay

      The story Young Goodman Brown can give you so many thoughts. Such as, was he really dreaming? Did he actually see those things? Were his peers and wife actually who they said they were? These questions come to mind when reading the story and when you have finished reading. However, I believe that he was in fact dreaming.       In the story, Young Goodman Brown or Brown for short, was going on a journey through the woods to attend a meeting. Before he had left, there was a pink ribbon that faith wore. Throughout the story the pink ribbon symbolizes faith was with him and to not lose faith. Along his journey he encounters different people. One of those people was a man who used a cane so he could walk, but he offers it to Brown. This questions whether if Brown is going to take it or not, he doesn’t.       This man Brown meets has a conversation with him. He tries to convince brown to join his side and be with the devil and that all of his other friends including his wife Faith

My Thesis Statement

I think it’s better to write an essay without a prompt. One reason why is because since you’re so used to having prompts it bores you so you don’t give it as much effort because you’re tired of doing the same type of essays. It would be more interesting to write an essay based off of what you want to write about and what’s most important for you to talk about.

Young Old Good Bad

I think Hawthorne wrote “Young Goodman Brown” to inform readers that every person can have two sides of them. Stephen King probably had a big affect from this story because it made him question everyone around him and probably soon found out about a person in particular who turned out to be not who he thought the person was. The power of our imaginations can paint a picture in our heads of what we want to believe, but we shouldn’t just trust our opinion without even getting to know the person truly.

Young Goodman Brown

1. Hawthorne’s purpose for writing this story was to tell readers that people have some bad in them but it’s up to them if they give in or not. 2. I agree that the name suits Faith’s personality because she was the faith/hope for Goodman brown along his journey and to guide him into the good rather than the bad. At first in the beginning of the story he did not have true faith in her because he thought that she was doubting him. 3. The pink ribbons signify Brown’s wife Faith which keeps Brown’s good intentions in him. 4. Everything Brown witnessed was a terrible dream but also important. In the passage it states, “an evil purpose he had.” To me this gives me the idea that Brown had a bad thought or intention and by having this dream it made him rethink his choice. 5. I think the old man was actually the devil or was supposed to be thought of as the devil. I would like to add that in stories or movies there are those little characters on the shoulders. One is the angel which tel

Literature Analysis #1

1. The plot of the story I am reading is to find out what the main cause is for kids who are getting leukemia. There are suspicions that it is the water which is causing it and later they soon find out that the water did contain harmful chemicals, however they aren’t sure yet. So, they keep doing research on it. 2. In my opinion, the theme for this novel would be darkness and light. In this case, the darkness would be all of the young kids/ adults who are getting leukemia and not knowing what the cause of it is and wondering whether if they could have prevented it or not. As for light, it would be finding out why they got cancer and knowing that it wasn’t their fault. 3. Jonathan Harr the author of this book, seems to me that he was a very interesting person and clever. When out with his friends or family he probably was the smartest and saw things from a much different perspective than others. What makes me think this about him is his book.. His book is based on a true story. Real

The medium is the message

The most appropriate way to communicate would be to communicate in person. I think so because in person you can ask/get more information. You can also get even more information by just the body language of the person you’re talking to. Not only that but you can also tell by the tone in the person’s voice if they truly want to talk to you or not, or help you out.

I ain’t got time for this

What I do with my time from the beginning to the end of that day is actually a lot. In the morning I wake up, get ready for school, and then leave to school. For about 8 hours everyday I spend at school in my classes learning. Then once school ends at 2:55 I change for practice which starts at 3:15 and ends at 5:15 sometimes 6. Once I get home from practice I shower, do my homework then eat dinner. Or sometimes it’s the other way around. This schedule of mine doesn’t necessarily help reach any big goals of mine in particular such as job wise. However it does reach my goal of wanting to maintain good grades and being involved in school.

The Earth on Turtle’s Back

This story has a great over all meaning. The moral of the story is basically teaching readers that it doesn’t matter how big you are. What matters is if you are really determined to accomplish your goal.  Also I liked how they made the animals talk in this story because even tho it’s very unrealistic, I was still able to picture it perfectly in my head. It was a great use of imagery. I also feel like it was more of a lesson learning story.

Today I was thinking

After Dr.Preston finished talking about his idea of having an agenda for each day of the week, I thought to myself that that was a great idea. Personally, I’m the type of person who likes to be organized and that’s one of the main reasons why I would enjoy having this agenda because each week we will know what to do or what’s expected of that day. Also, I like how each day has its own memorable name because it will catch on quickly and students won’t be confused on what to do for that specific day.

I care about your understanding

My name is Aaliyah Rodriguez. I am 16 years old and a junior in high school. One thing I like is to be involved.  I’m in the FBLA club and I also enjoy doing cheer. A lot of people mispronounce name, so I go by Liyah because it’s easier and shorter. Also, it sometimes gets annoying when people misspell my name as well but I understand because no one would think to spell it with two A’s at the beginning. WINGSTOP! I love wingstop. Boneless wings are way better than bone in. My favorite color is every color. I think every color is pretty to be honest. I’m redoing the introduction post because I didn’t really talk about myself.I talked more about my day/week. Now I hope this post helps get you to know me better!

The first 50 pages

The book I’m reading is called A civil Action by Jonathan Harr. The first couple of pages weren’t all that  interesting but as I kept reading I got more into it. So far where I’m at right now in my book the setting takes place in a small town called Woburn. In this small town a bunch of young kids are getting leukemia and all the kids are from Woburn. So, one of the mother’s has a suspicion that the cause of the cancer is because of the water. The water in Woburn isn’t good at all. It is discolored and has a weird taste/ smell. However no one seems to be as interested as her in her theory.

The making of an essay

When I think of the word “essay” or hear it, immediately I get overwhelmed because who wants to do an essay?  In the past when I have written essays I haven’t really had trouble. I usually get a good grade on them. However I don’t like doing them nor do I understand how to do certain type of essays. I don’t understand how to write an argumentative essay because my teachers have never asked for that type of essay. I also prefer to write rather than type an essay.

I can read!

Time: 5 min